Monday, June 18, 2012


"Draw," said my son, thrusting a piece of paper and pen under my nose.
"Draw?" I said.

We were playing beyblades. He had made sure that I got an ancient, broken and bruised beyblade whereas he took the best of the lot called 'Pegasus'.

After losing a couple of times (the loser is the one whose blade stops spinning first), I was ready to stop playing when he, playing carefully, ensured that both blades stopped spinning together.

"That's a draw," I had said, pleased with the result.
"What's 'Draw' mean?" he said.

"You know what it means."
"Tell me anyway."

"Well, it means no one has won, and both players have got the same number of points."
"No," he declared. "Draw means you have to draw something. You have to draw a picture now."

So, ladies and gentlemen, the next time you say "it's a draw", take a pen and a paper and draw something.

1 comment:

  1. And I smile. Good Morning it is.
    Thanks for writing.
