Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tales... gets its own Facebook page!

About a year ago, my friend Nikhil suggested that I create a Facebook page to promote my book (In fact, if it were not for his continuous prodding, I would not have created my Facebook profile at all!). At that time I was new to Facebook and Facebook was new to me, and page creation on FB was not at all user-friendly. Besides, it was called 'Fan page' at the time, and it sounded so very inappropriate to me. For these reasons, though I did stroll around the page creation screens of FB, I gave up after a while.

Early this month, another friend added my book to her Likes in Facebook, and I thought it is time I gave it another try. Hence, ***drum roll*** the official Facebook page for Tales from the Garden City was born.

Wow! It sounds quite something, doesn't it? "Official Facebook page" and all that. Today, I noticed that among the people who Like it, there are also a few whom I don't know personally or through Twitter/Facebook. I Double Like it!

Which is when it occurred to me that this blog being the window to my heart, I should brag about this new Facebook feat of mine. Do step over to my little book's own Facebook page, and share a thought or two. 


  1. sure. i will check the page out. also you can make an fb page for your blog too.

  2. Thanks, Harish. Is it a good idea to create an FB page for the blog?
